The Occupation of Inhabited Spaces – Else Marie Pade

Time can be defined as a succession of events. We framed our lives within hours, days, months and years. Yet, only the conscious mind is capable of understanding this impalpable phenomenon. We know that day is lightness and night is darkness, no matter the context. Even if you don’t like change, time passes (as anContinueContinue reading “The Occupation of Inhabited Spaces – Else Marie Pade”

EMDR and the darkness unnamed

After my dad died, my world crumbled. It was the first time that I recognised a depressive episode, although, I didn’t know that I was experiencing one. My will to live to the fullest disappeared. I come from a family deconstructed by a severe history of domestic violence and a lack of emotional connection. WeContinueContinue reading “EMDR and the darkness unnamed”

The Great John Cage Project

The Great John Cage Project is inspired by 4’33”, the famous three-movement composition by American experimental composer John Cage. Rather than playing an instrument, the piece consists of sounds’ environment that the listeners hear while it is performed. John Wills is the mind behind this unique -quarantine inspired- project that invites contributors from around the worldContinueContinue reading “The Great John Cage Project”

Beatriz Ferreyra: the perpetual attempt by solid and fluid to interpenetrate

For the past twenty days, I have kept track of how I feel. It has made me realize that the elasticity of time and space is defined by moments. Sometimes, these moments feel like a thunderous glow overlaid by brief periods drafted in a thick black void. It is a beautiful and intense relationship withContinueContinue reading “Beatriz Ferreyra: the perpetual attempt by solid and fluid to interpenetrate”

Ellen Fullman and the long string instrument – A desire to connect in solitude

“Learn to love solitude,” said Andrei Tarkovsky as an example of resilience. That sophisticated process of learning and enjoying being with yourself. During these thirty-five days of solitude, my body and my head have become receptors of eclectic experiences. The mood swings are constant and acute episodes of mental sensitivity have led me to believeContinueContinue reading “Ellen Fullman and the long string instrument – A desire to connect in solitude”

Éliane Radigue – The sustained liberation of the intermediate state

For days now, I have heard a steady ringing in my right ear. I have been isolated for twenty days. The relationship with my own sounds and those of my environment have become part of my routine. A pandemic reduced to a lockdown. This self-isolation has turned the streets into resounding spaces. The rain usuallyContinueContinue reading “Éliane Radigue – The sustained liberation of the intermediate state”