The Occupation of Inhabited Spaces – Else Marie Pade

Time can be defined as a succession of events. We framed our lives within hours, days, months and years. Yet, only the conscious mind is capable of understanding this impalpable phenomenon. We know that day is lightness and night is darkness, no matter the context. Even if you don’t like change, time passes (as anContinueContinue reading “The Occupation of Inhabited Spaces – Else Marie Pade”

EMDR and the darkness unnamed

After my dad died, my world crumbled. It was the first time that I recognised a depressive episode, although, I didn’t know that I was experiencing one. My will to live to the fullest disappeared. I come from a family deconstructed by a severe history of domestic violence and a lack of emotional connection. WeContinueContinue reading “EMDR and the darkness unnamed”